Literacy First tutors dedicate thousands of hours each year teaching students to read. However, research has shown that during summer vacation, 80 percent of students from economically disadvantaged communities lose reading skills. Literacy First is proud to partner with BookSpring to help mitigate that loss through the Summer Success program.
Summer Success includes STEAM-themed teacher lesson plans and books, parent engagement materials, and the distribution of 10 books to each student to take home and keep. Data each year of the program shows that 66% of student participants actually gained reading skills over the summer.
I feel lucky like a lucky charm!
Literacy First student after receiving his 10 books
This Spring, Literacy First tutors and staff have had the pleasure of leading book distribution for their 1st and 2nd graders and witnessing the pure delight of students “shopping” for their very own books. These books will enrich the summer experience for students and help prevent the “summer slide”. We’re proud to be part of this impactful – and joyful – experience!